Fundacja ŻYCIU TAK – About our Fundation

About our Fundation

Parents with an infant

The goals of ŻYCIU TAK (YES TO LIFE) Foundation include the broadly understood protection and promotion of health, in particular the protection of life and its dignity from conception to natural death.

We want to act in the field of promoting freedom and inalienable human rights as well as civil liberties by protecting the rights of children and counteracting social marginalization of people and families. In our activity, we support educational, cultural, scientific and social activities. In our endeavors, we try to support the integration of various communities dealing with the protection of human life.

If you are interested in cooperation with our Fundation, feel free to contact us!


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Fundacja ŻYCIU TAK
im. Niepokalanego Poczęcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny

ul. Karmelicka 14
35-317 Rzeszów
[email protected]
KRS: 0000780649 / NIP: 8133810452 / REGON: 383065758